HTML Slicing

The process of ‘slicing’ builds the technical foundation of your website. Our team of talented programmers ‘slice” up’ the pieces of a website design into HTML5 and CSS in order to create the framework in which your website can be used and searched in a web browser. Slicing ensures your website becomes dynamic and interactive. In other words, slicing makes your website come to life! 

Our graphic designers and programmers work together to ensure that your design will unite seamlessly with the functionality you need. Once our graphics team has delighted you with a vision of your website, our programmers will work their magic to make all of the components work.

Other benefits you’ll receive:

  1. Slicing reduces the need for storage by compressing images, which increases your page load speed – great for an improved user experience and search engines love it!
  2. Our programmers will ensure that your website becomes accessible and is optimized, complete with described semantic coding (text that articulates images and page components to search engines such as Google).
  3. Your website will become responsive across all web browsers and on all screen sizes.
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