Web Application Development

What is it? A web application, simply put, is software that is accessible through a web interface. It differs from a website in that its function is defined by how users interact with it.

Web Applications can take your business success to the next level by providing your customers with self-service options, separating you from the competition, reflect your level of innovation and put yourself in a demand situation by ease of use, taking the effort out of doing business with you, for your clients.

Whether you are selling products online or providing a valuable and convenient service to your customers such as a membership system or other portal, web applications can give your business an advantage over others online.

Similar to building a house, it’s a process and often requires multiple iterations or phases. It does not happen overnight, it can take many weeks, months, and sometimes years, of thought, planning, expanding, building and most of all people.

The foundation and infrastructure that is created becomes the pillars of grow for years to come. As with any building project, we start out with an initial blueprint, we scope and mine the earth in-order to understand the grounds that we will be building upon. Once we have a full understanding of the land, the development begins.

Our Web Application Process

Web App Portfolio
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System Scopes

Once we have helped you crystallize your ideas into a viable plan, our programmers will map out a system scope. This is equivalent to a site architecture for a website, but it is more complex and in-depth. Your system scope document is a very detailed overview of your web-based system, laying out every aspect of functionality that will be needed to achieve your goals and connecting all the pieces in a logical flow. This includes navigational structure, content requirements and technical considerations. The resulting formal document is a piece of intellectual property that is yours to keep. Treefrog can move with you to the next stage of development, or you will have the option of taking this scope to any designer or programmer for implementation.

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Custom Programming

Once scope, the initial stage will entail the user experience pathing, design, desire, needs assessment, technology audit, development and creation. Our team is agnostic to systems, using the right tool for the job. We have worked with several internal ‘homemade’ systems tapping into the APIs, build systems from scratch, leverage existing technologies and more. The outcome is efficiencies based: How can we increase your business efficiencies, enhance your customer experience, improve your team's habits, reduce human errors and help you sleep better at night.

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Application Consultation

Do you have a brilliant idea for a .com but you don’t know where to start to make it happen? A one-day consultation with an experienced developer and online business strategist from Treefrog is a great way to immerse yourself in the possibilities and the best methods to build them. We offer guaranteed confidentiality, with solid non-disclosure agreements in place to ensure you can speak freely and brainstorm about all of your ideas. We will give you solid technical and creative feedback about your concept for an online business. We can discuss the technological realities, business planning and options for a successful online enterprise that can form a solid basis for securing future venture capital.

Book a call or send us a message!