IoT, NFC and Beacons

Does it have to be a box?

The very nature of innovation is to challenge existing norms and assumptions. At Treefrog we are constantly exploring and gaining proficiency with new technologies. If you don’t know what IoT, NFC and Beacons are, you are not alone. Sifting through the myriad technologies that are invented and evolved every day is a job in itself. And it’s a job we do on behalf of our clients so that we are ready to innovate on their behalf when the opportunity arises. Many people call this thinking outside the box. We say, does it have to be a box?

Practical Innovation

Qbiq cube

Internet Of Things (IoT)

Treefrog has been instrumental in the development of a number of products in the IoT sensor world. Witness, for example, the qBiq - the easiest and most engaging way to monitor the things you care about most. Together with its beautifully designed and easy to use app, qBiq enables you to monitor, share and set custom notifications based on changes in environmental data in your home or office. This all-in-one sensors allows you to monitor changes in temperature, humidity, brightness and movement. The small one-inch design makes it the most elegant but practical Wi-Fi connected sensor on the market today. Treefrog has the skills to help you move the dial on your business.

iOt beacon


Treefrog has worked with a number of different beacon companies and APIs to deliver valuable information for clients. While you might think of this technology as "indoor GPS", iBeacon technology has the potential to revolutionize everything from enjoying a live sporting event to browsing at your local shopping center. Beacons allow us to populate or manage locations for an App - to help find, track or trilaterate location with mobile technology

LTE beacons, blue and green

LTE Beacons

Small, wireless beacons can also compute precise outdoor positions, talk directly to the cloud and last multiple years on a battery. They are designed primarily to seamlessly locate assets and vehicles when they move between indoor and outdoor environments. Their secure firmware/cloud software is crafted to provide true “proof of location” and “proof of delivery.”

NFC tags on a roll

NFC Tags (Mixed with QR Codes)

An NFC (Near Field Communication) tag is a passive, unpowered, small physical sticker that can interact with NFC devices and NFC phones (recently introduced to iPhones!). This allows us to (very inexpensively) track objects through custom tags that one can simply "tap" on with a mobile device. We can help you drive consumer engagement; driving users to an online resource (e.g. website, video, social profile), uniquely identify a physical product and verifying its authenticity, connect toys to their digital counterpart in games, and more.

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